
Volvariella volvacea Learn more about Volvariella volvacea

  • Matters needing attention in planting volvariella volvacea with improper loss of nutrients and moisture

    Matters needing attention in planting volvariella volvacea with improper loss of nutrients and moisture

    Matters needing attention in planting volvariella volvacea with improper loss of nutrients and moisture

  • Practices of volvariella volvacea _ nutritional value of volvariella volvacea _ cultivation techniques of volvariella volvacea

    Practices of volvariella volvacea _ nutritional value of volvariella volvacea _ cultivation techniques of volvariella volvacea

    Practices of volvariella volvacea _ nutritional value of volvariella volvacea _ cultivation techniques of volvariella volvacea

  • Propagation methods of volvariella volvacea

    Propagation methods of volvariella volvacea

    Propagation methods of volvariella volvacea

  • Pest control techniques of volvariella volvacea

    Pest control techniques of volvariella volvacea

    Pest control techniques of volvariella volvacea

  • Bed frame cultivation technique of volvariella volvacea

    Bed frame cultivation technique of volvariella volvacea

    1 the cultivation time of volvariella volvacea bed frame cultivation should be selected in the season when the daily average temperature is more than 25 ℃. Because the room temperature required for the growth and development of volvariella volvacea should be kept above 27 ℃, do not heat up or cool down sharply to prevent the young buds of volvariella volvacea from shrinking and dying. According to several years of experiments, the sowing date in the county can generally be arranged from early May to early September (gasoline barrels can be used to heat up if the room temperature is slightly lower in May). 2 the structure of the mushroom house and the requirements for ordinary slate roof mushroom rooms or general tile mushroom houses, requiring the use of plastic film or

  • New methods and techniques for bag cultivation of volvariella volvacea

    New methods and techniques for bag cultivation of volvariella volvacea

    The cultivation of volvariella volvacea originated in South China, and then spread from overseas Chinese to Southeast Asia and parts of Africa, with a history of more than 200 years. It is not only fat, crispy and smooth, delicious, but also has high nutritional value and is rich in protein, essential amino acids and vitamin C. Regular consumption of straw mushrooms can enhance the body's immunity to diseases. There is also a certain anti-cancer treatment, lower plasma cholesterol, antihypertensive effect; it is also a good food for diabetes, which is not only delicious, but also has health care effect.

  • Key points of cultivation techniques of volvariella volvacea

    Key points of cultivation techniques of volvariella volvacea

    Volvariella volvacea has delicate meat and delicious taste. Because it is a high-temperature edible fungus, it is on the market at the height of summer, which is the off-season of other mushrooms and vegetables, so it is favored by consumers. The production method of volvariella volvacea is simple, and the production cycle is short (10-20 days). It is a kind of mushroom with low cost and high benefit. The main points of cultivation techniques of volvariella volvacea are introduced as follows: first, the optimum temperature for mycelial growth of volvariella volvacea in cultivation season is 28 ℃ ~ 38 ℃. The optimum temperature for fruiting body growth was 28 ℃ ~ 33 ℃.

  • The latest propagation methods of volvariella volvacea

    The latest propagation methods of volvariella volvacea

    Straw mushroom, also known as orchid mushroom, has been cultivated in our country for a long time. At present, it is mainly planted in Guangdong, Hunan, Fujian, Guangxi, Jiangsu and Taiwan. Straw mushroom is rich in nutrition, tastes good, and its meat is smooth and refreshing.

    2020-11-10 The latest straw mushroom reproduction method also known as orchid flower mushroom
  • The latest course of disease and pest control techniques of volvariella volvacea

    The latest course of disease and pest control techniques of volvariella volvacea

    Straw mushroom has high nutritional value and delicious taste, and is deeply loved by consumers. The output of straw mushroom in China ranks first in the world, and there are many growers. But what makes people headache when planting is the harm of diseases and insect pests, which seriously affect the yield and quality of volvariella volvacea.

    2020-11-10 The latest straw mushroom diseases and insect pests control techniques methods tutorials
  • Cultivation technique of volvariella volvacea

    Cultivation technique of volvariella volvacea

    The cultivation of volvariella volvacea originated in South China and has been cultivated for more than 200 years. Straw mushroom is not only fat, crispy and smooth, delicious, but also has high nutritional value, which is rich in protein, essential amino acids and vitamin C. Regular consumption of straw mushrooms can enhance the body's immunity to diseases, as well as anti-cancer treatment, lowering plasma cholesterol and reducing blood pressure. it is also a good food for patients with diabetes, and it is a kind of delicious and healthy food. it is very popular in domestic and foreign markets. Cultivated straw mushroom

  • Matters needing attention in summer cultivation of volvariella volvacea

    Matters needing attention in summer cultivation of volvariella volvacea

    Straw mushroom, also known as orchid mushroom and bract mushroom, originated in Nanhua Temple in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province. It was artificially cultivated in China 300 years ago and was introduced into the world by overseas Chinese in the 1930s. It is an important tropical and subtropical mushroom and the third largest cultivated edible fungus in the world.

    2020-11-08 Straw mushroom summer cultivation precautions straw mushroom also known as orchid
  • Six precautions for the introduction of volvariella volvacea in midsummer

    Six precautions for the introduction of volvariella volvacea in midsummer

    Straw mushroom, also known as orchid mushroom, is one of the more common fungus varieties cultivated in China. Straw mushroom contains Vc and many kinds of amino acids, which is rich in nutrition and unique in flavor. It is a variety with short production cycle, quick effect, low investment and high benefit. In the hot summer, fresh mushroom varieties are rare in the market, and straw mushrooms can not only adjust the supply of off-season mushrooms in the market to meet the growing needs of people, but also export to earn foreign exchange after deep processing. Straw mushroom is a saprophytic fungus, which can only grow by absorbing ready-made nutrients and water from dead plants and soil.

  • Necessary conditions for the growth and development of volvariella volvacea

    Necessary conditions for the growth and development of volvariella volvacea

    1. Nutritious volvariella volvacea is a saprophytic fungus, which does not contain chlorophyll and cannot carry out photosynthesis to synthesize its own nutrients, so it needs to be provided by the outside world. The nutrients needed by volvariella volvacea are mainly carbohydrates and nitrogen compounds. Carbohydrates are mainly sugars, such as glucose, sucrose, maltose, starch, semi-fiber and cellulose. Organic nitrogen compounds mainly include peptone, amino acids and urea, while inorganic nitrogen compounds include ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate. It is generally believed that the ratio of carbon to nitrogen in the vegetative growth stage

  • How to select volvariella volvacea? How to cultivate it?

    How to select volvariella volvacea? How to cultivate it?

    Now there are more and more kinds of dishes on the table, fungus food is welcomed by many people, such as straw mushroom is loved by people, its vitamin content is high, can promote human metabolism, improve immunity, but also taste excellent. So if you're going to

    2020-11-27 Straw mushroom strain how select carry out cultivate now
  • High-yield cultivation techniques of volvariella volvacea indoor bed frame

    High-yield cultivation techniques of volvariella volvacea indoor bed frame

    1. The basic conditions for the growth and development of volvariella volvacea 1.1 nutritional cultivation materials must contain carbon, nitrogen, minerals and vitamins. Therefore, cellulose-rich straw, wheat straw, hemp straw, waste cotton, cottonseed hull and bagasse are all raw materials for the production of straw mushrooms. Nitrogen-containing compounds are important elements in the synthesis of cell protein of volvariella volvacea. Straw mushroom can only use low molecular weight amino acids. Organic nitrogen substances such as wheat bran and rice bran peptone can be used as nitrogen sources. The cultivation of volvariella volvacea usually does not need to add ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and urea. In addition to carbon and nitrogen,

  • How can volvariella volvacea be planted in summer with high yield?

    How can volvariella volvacea be planted in summer with high yield?

    How can volvariella volvacea be planted in summer with high yield? Planting volvariella volvacea in summer can refer to the following planting methods: 1. Cultivation season: volvariella volvacea belongs to high temperature fungi. The optimum temperature for mycelium growth of volvariella volvacea is 15-40 ℃, the optimum temperature for mycelium growth is 30-35 ℃, and the temperature for fruiting body growth is 26-34 ℃.

  • Miscellaneous fungi and pests of straw mushroom and their control

    Miscellaneous fungi and pests of straw mushroom and their control

    Volvariella volvacea is a common strain in edible fungi. It is simple to eat and has high nutritional value. It is a common dish in life. It is not easy to cultivate straw mushroom. Here is a little knowledge about straw mushroom miscellaneous fungi, pest categories and prevention. I. Pholidium

    2020-11-09 straw mushroom miscellaneous fungi and pests categories control yes
  • Causes of death in volvariella volvacea cultivation and preventive measures

    Causes of death in volvariella volvacea cultivation and preventive measures

    Straw mushroom, also known as orchid mushroom and bract mushroom, originated in Nanhua Temple in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province. It was artificially cultivated in China 300 years ago and was introduced into the world by overseas Chinese in the 1930s. It is an important tropical and subtropical mushroom and the third largest cultivated edible fungus in the world.

    2020-11-08 Straw mushroom cultivation death cause and preventive measures straw mushroom
  • Strain price and planting method of volvariella volvacea

    Strain price and planting method of volvariella volvacea

    Strain price and planting method of volvariella volvacea

  • What should we pay attention to when planting straw mushrooms in summer?

    What should we pay attention to when planting straw mushrooms in summer?

    What should we pay attention to when planting straw mushrooms in summer? Please guide the cultivation of volvariella volvacea in summer to pay attention to the following points: 1. In the nutritious bacteria bed or straw pile, the mycelium grows vigorously, the fruiting body is enlarged, the mushroom production period is long, and the yield and quality are good. Therefore, when cultivating volvariella volvacea, we should choose high quality and golden yellow.
